搜索 Germano

  • 串珠
  • 三艳嬉春HD
  • In a rage, a teacher murders a girl. Her brother is bred, for one sole purpose: to avenge his sister’s death. Kazakh master Ermek Shinarbaev’s close collaboration with the Korean-Russian writer Anatoli Kim yielded three great films, the mo…
  • 圣保罗之恋HD
  • 錘子與鐮刀1994HD
    This is an interesting yet bizarre little tale of a fictional (as far as I know, anyway) experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman into a man. This is part of a larger plan to change more women into men and have a stronger work-force/army, etc. It…
  • 堤HD

    遍野废墟,末世凄凉。男主人公(达沃斯·哈内赤 Davos Hanich饰)成为核战爆发后少数存活下来的人类。他幼年时梦中总是目睹一名陌生男子的死亡,这也使得他成为了时光旅行的实验品。他被送往核战爆发前夕的过去,他在堤岸上遇见一位女子(海伦·夏特兰 Hélène Chatelain饰),并且爱上了她。当实验快结束时,他又要被送往躲过浩劫的未来。但是…
  • When the travesty Lili "Oswaldo" Marlene brings the single mother Cristina and her baby to the hospital, Dr. Laura finds that the baby has a problem and asks what happened with Cristina to Lili. She explains that Cristina had intercourse with her boyfriend in the countryside and her father expelled her from h…